Thursday 20 October 2011

Cooking time in Japan!!

(This photo above is actually at the Supermarket, this is how fresh/frozen fish is displayed)
Today Shota and I thought we would begin to help out in the household a tad more, so we decided we could dinner a few times a week. Chisa, Shotas Mother was excited about the idea, as at the moment she cooks every night of the week. Yes she does only work part-time (twice a week, one full day and one half day), but still we felt that it couldn't be an easy task to cook for six people seven days a week.
To start with we visited the local Supermarket, a fifteen minute walk away... enjoyed looking at all the different products they have in Japan and settled on a Seafood Risotto, garlic bread and Caramelised Pears.

Shota Holding a frozen squid for the Risotto...images of Seafood above....

In Japan the sales assistant hands you a plastic bag and you pack your groceries yourself :)

Anyway we start cooking just after 6pm...Usually everyone is home at 6:30pm.... 8:00pm and the Risotto is pretty much ready (Shota used 4 cups of rice as usually everyone’s hungry) there is masses of food....but no one to feed it too :(

So Chisa, Shota and I sat down to a lovely meal...and the others have there’s waiting for them on their return...

 Funny little dessert Shota made :) And Caramelised pear and "hokey Pokey" Ice cream...

I was pretty impressed with the Mushroom situation here, so I decided to share with you a few pics. I know that when Mum sees these she be like "Oh Jessica we have those here" but anyway I'll risk it!

I was also pretty impressed with the amount of Rice sold in a Supermarket.... yes I know Japanese quite like rice, just had never seen in it in such a large quantity...there were sacks of rice on the ground! The aisle was PACKED full of rice!!

This bottle of Wine couldn't decide if it was a Sav or a Chardy :(

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